Happy Hallo-ween!

The long awaited adult Halloween has come and gone. I say “adult” Halloween because we all know we aren’t waiting to go around and collect candy. We’re waiting to dress up like a complete asshole, get butt rocked wasted and pick up some girl dressed up as a slutty little red riding hood. Today was the real thing! Not nearly as exciting.

Thought I should show you all what I was this year. It was pretty much the epitome of awesome. Wish I could rock it for all of time.
Halloween Costume 2011
Yeah, that’s me on the left. I’d say it was one of my best of all time. Why don’t we compare it to some of me other recent costumes from Halloweens past…
Didn’t do Halloween last year for some dumb reason but lets warp back to 2009!
Halloween Costume 2009
I was a sexy slightly homosexual football player! Rockin right? You can clearly see the eyeshadow around my sexy ass eyes.
Warp back to 2008!
Halloween Costume 2008
I was some sort of shitty Koala. Not too proud of this one. Especially since I paid just about a dollar for whatever that is I was wearing on my head.
And finally, to 2007!
Halloween Costume 2007
Great, right? Costume 100% bought at wall-mart, where it was super easy to get size 60 waste pants and suspenders.

So that’s my last couple of Halloweens. Still think that this year topped them all for sexiness.

Anyway, hope you all have a great Halloween!


Yeah, about the title. I celebrated Halloween with my students. In all the classes I would set up some Halloween decorations and write in big letters “Happy Halloween!” on the blackboard. Anyway, when the partying (if you could call it that) was over and we were cleaning up, one of the kids erased Happy and ween and goes “Hey, Max, look! Hallo!!! I thought it was hilarious.